People with big, bold, sometimes disruptive ideas are the ones who will help us meet the dramatic changes happening in the workplace now, and in the future (think, evolving global markets, warp-speed technology advances, and a new and very different generation of workers). But people with trailblazing ideas need to be effective, persuasive communicators in order to convince people to follow their lead. That’s where PowerSpeaking and its new partnership with DisruptHR San Francisco come in.
Giving thought leaders in the Human Resources and Learning & Development fields a platform for sharing groundbreaking ideas is DisruptHR’s mission. They are a worldwide, event-based information exchange, which organizes speaker events within DisruptHR “communities.” PowerSpeaking is partnering with DisruptHR SF to offer event speakers next-level speaking skills workshops, as well as one-on-one coaching prior to the events. The first session we’ll support is on October 15, 2019, in San Carlos, California, in a joint effort with the San Francisco DisruptHR community.
“We are delighted to have chosen PowerSpeaking to help us realize our mission,” says Michael Grove, CEO of Collabworks, organizer and prime sponsor of DisruptHR SF. “We can’t think of anyone better than PowerSpeaking to help us build a top-notch community of speakers who are shaping the future of how we work.” Grove adds that, “CollabWorks is empowering human-centric organizations to continuously invest in and improve the value of their talent.”
Thought leader John Hagel III will deliver his “Redefining Work” keynote at the October event. Following the keynote will be a “lightning-round” session where eight speakers will have five minutes each to deliver their best, most innovative ideas. At press time, there are still openings for lightning-round speakers, so if you or someone in your organization is interested, check out the DisruptHR SF fall 2019 event page. If you have questions, contact You can also view past DisruptHR talks here.
It takes an effective “stage” and clear, convincing communication to launch big ideas that introduce new and better ways of working. And so, we’re excited to be working with DisruptHR SF, CollabWorks, and their thought-leadership communities.
On the journey with you,
The PowerSpeaking Team
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